Let's Work Together

We're a collective of non-native land-focused organizations across Wabanaki homelands. We’re working to transform the conservation movement to center and expand Wabanaki land access, stewardship, and relationship.

We operate at the organizational level because we are aiming to make systemic regional change. We are all tied together. One organization’s success is all of our success, and one organization's obstacle is all of our chance to learn.

A Wabanaki elder and a non-Native elder walk together on a path alongside trees and a lake on a cool morning in early summer.

What's your role?

Here are some suggestions for how to begin your journey...

Are you a member of an institution or organization? Do you volunteer with a community group? You can call your organization in! We encourage every organization to start with a few members participating in a self-guided course.

If you believe your organization has a specific role to play, we suggest you look into the process of joining the First Light Community and Working Groups, or browse the Tools in our Resource Library.

No matter where you are in your journey, we are glad you are exploring our work and want you to know that peers in our community are eager to support you as your organization finds its role.


  • Heron's Rip
    For First Light Community Organizations



    The work of land justice in Maine calls for our best selves. It asks for our individual, personal sustained commitment beyond projects and job descriptions and calendars. What yearnings feed and sustain this work for you? While the work of First Light is new, we know it is filled with both great joy and great challenge. What are the motivations that inspire it; how do we nourish each other to stay at it?

    This is a 3 night/four-day camping experience on the Downeast landscape that initiated Peter Forbes who will be joined by others in First Light to guide us with provocative questions, good facilitation, and a beautiful place to do creative, sustaining things together like carve, fish, explore, recommit to the work and to each other. No matter if you are new to First Light or have been part of it for many years, this time will help to sustain the questions and motivations inside of you for years to come. Please express your interest in participating to Axandra@knollfarm.org.