
Welcome to our Resource Library, a compilation of hundreds of books, essays and media to help us do our collaborative work better. This collection of resources has helped our community learn from many perspectives over time and unlearn the foundational myths of dominant culture. 

These are just the resources that we are familiar with, if you know of others that should be in this library, please contact We review this list and add suggestions on an ongoing basis.

Learn more about Wabanaki presence and history on this land

Wabanaki Tribes, land, and culture

Wabanaki Tribes


Learn about each of the federally-recognized Wabanaki Tribes.

Wabanaki organizing for land and justice

Restoring rivers


A collection of resources on Wabanaki-led efforts to bring health and connection back to the rivers.

Examine and rethink the practices and legacies of conservation

Examine conservation’s legacy

Redefining Conservation


Wabanaki leaders speak on how to reshape conservation in this podcast series created by Sierra Club Maine.

Reimagine conservation practices

The role of return in land care


These resources help illustrate how returning land and access to Indigenous peoples also meets traditional conservation aims.

Speed of Trust


First Light

This essay by Peter Forbes shares the story of the formation of the Sustainable Southeast Partnership (SSP) and the histories that led people there. SSP has been a seed for First Light.

Letters to a Young Spooncarver


First Light

Delve into this contemplative series of letters from different non-native voices in the First Light community to see how we reflect on conservation legacy and look forward to a different future.

Examples and tools for non-native organizations to support Indigenous land relationships

Expand Indigenous land access in Wabanakik

Wabanaki Learnings and Observations About the Fund


Wabanaki Commission

The purpose of this report is for Wabanaki people to connect with a diversity of other Wabanaki people to understand how best to structure the fund to meet Tribes’ goals, give the fund legitimacy within Wabanaki communities, and affirm the role of the Wabanaki Commission.

Birch bark harvest FAQ


Birch trees are an important presence in Wabanaki homelands and culture. Check out this FAQ on birch bark harvest, created by Kathy Pollard and Ann Pollard Ranco in partnership with Bangor Land Trust, to learn how your organization can support cultural practices associated with birches.

Navigating Perceived Legal Barriers to Land Return


First Light

With the help of non-native land attorney, Rob Levin, we respond to nine common questions on perceived legal barriers land trusts face in returning land and access to Native communities.

Wolankeyutomone kisi apaciyewik, "Let us take good care of what is returned" Fund


First Light

Learn all about how you can participate in the fund that helps to repair, rebuild and sustain Wabanaki relationship, kinship, access to place and to directly help Wabanaki people and institutions to fulfill their care-taking responsibilities for the lands and waters of Maine. (Note that this fund was previously and temporarily called the "Wabanaki Self-Determination Fund".)

Media Coverage on Land Return


We're keeping track of a growing collection of news pieces, op-eds, and updates celebrating Wabanaki land return in mainstream media.

Shift your organization’s culture and practices

Land Acknowledgements: Pros and Cons


Land acknowledgements are increasingly popular, but controversial. Can they be done well & meaningfully, or are they always empty symbols? Here, find perspectives from Wabanaki and other Indigenous peoples on the topic of land acknowledgements.

Media Guide from Wabanaki Alliance


Review this Media & Style Guide from the Wabanaki Alliance for guidance in your organization's communications related to Wabanaki Nations.

Considering Co-management


We're collecting resources on co-management/co-stewardship cases across the continent.

Cross-cultural collaboration


We're collecting guides and stories on how non-native organizations can build towards right relations and collaboration with Indigenous partners.

Looking broader: Indigenous leadership around the world

Global Indigenous land care

We Rise Together


First Light

A report by the Indigenous Circle of Experts about their efforts to reconcile history to manage public land together in Canada.

The Haudenosaunee Environmental Protection Process (HEPP)

A summary of work done by the HEPP, a project to assist Haudenosaunee Nations in exercising their rights and responsibilities with regard to their environmental concerns in a manner consistent with Haudenosaunee values and culture, while maintaining the sovereignty of the Haudenosaunee people.

Indigenous leadership in art, music, land, culture

Sing, dance, listen, watch


Here are some of the Indigenous artists we look to for inspiration and reminders in this work.