
It all begins with the stories we share about this land. What are the stories of this land your organization lives and operates by? What might we change if we are open to new stories about this place and those who live with it?

First Light supports organizations to continually learn the history of this place, so we can be liberated to do our best possible work for the health of the land and the people. We’ve put together these self-guided courses and a resource library for organizations seeking to further their relearning journey.

  • a group of 20 people stand and sit together. They are smiling for a group photo on a grassy spot in the sun with a view of a mountainous landscape behind them at the end of their 4-day course.


    These courses were put together by Wabanaki and non-Wabanaki leaders who have been deeply involved in First Light, and we hope they will give your organization guidance.

  • three bodies are huddled together, one pair of hands holds a pot full of water and is gently pouring it out into the cups held by the other two pairs of hands. They are standing on a beach with the shoreline just barely showing up in the background.


    This collection of resources has helped our community learn from many perspectives over time and unlearn the foundational myths of dominant culture.


  • Returning to Roque Island

    Returning to Roque Island

    Join us for a day trip to Roque Island for Wabanaki community members. Followed by a traditional lobster bake at Roque Bluffs for Wabanaki & First Light folks.

    We are coordinating boat travel out to Roque Island. Please reach out to if you'd like to attend.

  • photo of canoer in the mist overlaid with "First Light Summit", short description, link to reserve tickets, and logo for First Light and Wabanaki Public Health & Wellness. Relevant text is in text block below.

    First Light Summit 2024

    Save the date for a community celebration around the ongoing work of return. The day will begin at the Penobscot Theater, then travel to the Wabanaki Public Health & Wellness center, both in downtown Bangor. More details on program and audience to come.