Stories of Collaboration between Indigenous Peoples and Conservation Organizations

Conservation Through Reconciliation Partnership

CRP is a collaboration between Indigenous people and non-indigenous people united in the goal of supporting Indigenous-led conservation in Canada.

Strong Voices, Active Choices

Partnering with Indigenous Peoples and local communities to achieve social and environmental outcomes, this is The Nature Conservancy's global framework for working with Indigenous people.

Native Land Conservancy & Northeast Wilderness Trust Announce Partnership

In 2021, Native Land Conservancy (NLC) and Northeast Wilderness Trust (NEWT) signed formal agreements to collaborate on granting land rights to NLC and the Wampanoag Nation, and exploring commonality between wilderness conservation and indigenous tradition and lifeways.

Respect and Responsibility: Integrating Indigenous Rights and Private Conservation in Canada

In November 2021 Conservation Through Reconciliation Partnership published this report (Prepared by Larry Innes (Olthuis Kleer Townshend LLP), Ian Attridge (Barrister and Solicitor; Trent University), and Skeena Lawson (Juris Doctor Candidate, University of Victoria.)). This report concludes that there is no ethical basis for private land conservation organizations to operate as though Indigenous governments have no role in relation to private lands.